White Water Blog

DIY Florida Tarpon, Part II
Picking up where we left off in Part I, when it comes to structure fishing, big tarpon love bridges and docks both big and small, so those should be obvious points of attack. Of course, here you’ll have to figure out if the fish are holding high in the water column (near the surface along nighttime shadow lines or parallel to abutments and just off the bottom, for example)
- Bryce Poyer

DIY Florida Tarpon, Part I
Tarpon on your own? Yes, it can be done, especially during late winter and spring - but it does take some serious research, exploring, and detective work to put yourself in the right place at the right time with gear that can match the strength, speed and jumping ability of the silver kings.
- Bryce Poyer

Fishing Trends for 2025
It may be hard to believe given the winter weather we’ve experienced over the past few months, but fishing season isn’t all that far off. In fact, it’s already time to be planning those first few trips of the year in hopes of getting off to a fast start. With just that thought in mind, here’s a look at some noticeable trends that picked up steam last year.
- Bryce Poyer

Head North for Ice Fishing Options: Part I
The solution to finding good ice to fish through these days isn’t any great mystery: you have to take a drive up north. While some serious ice anglers have been doing that for years already, most who take it seriously are heading far upstate with some taking days-long trips to the Adirondacks, Vermont or even Maine.
- Bryce Poyer